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Fefe_du_973's Website and Portfolio

On this website you can find my Youtube channel overview. You can also discover my Minecraft server. You can also join my Discord Server. You can also download free software and finally you can discover my portfolio. Have a nice day !

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My Github

Learn more about my projects and my softwares on my Github and my portfolio

My Youtube Channel

Have fun by watching my videos on my Youtube channel

My Discord Server

Make friends, talk and get help on IT topics on my Discord Server

My Minecraft Server

Experience Minecraft like you've never seen it before with my Minecraft server with great plugins and a custom mod pack

My projects and my skills

In terms of my development skills, I am a young developer with a passion for creating and designing websites and all sorts of apps. At just 16 years old, I have already acquired a strong set of skills in various programming languages including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Python. As a web designer, I am able to combine my technical abilities with my creative talents to bring your ideas to life. I have been fortunate enough to work on a variety of projects, showcasing my abilities and allowing me to gain valuable experience. If you would like to learn more about my work and see examples of my projects, please visit my project page. I am excited to continue growing my skills and experience in the field of web development and am eager to take on new challenges.

Let’s introduce myself !

Hello, my name is Ferréol but everyone calls me Féfé (that’s why my nickname is Fefe_du_973) and I am a 16 years old young developer. Outside of web development, I have a few passions and hobbies. I am a big fan of playing video games, especially Minecraft. I also enjoy making videos, and playing Rugby.